Many times, models get carried away by stereotypes and do not know the consequences of injecting particles that can lead to death.
We talked to plastic surgeon Lina Triana about this substance that can put your health at risk.
At first, it may look great, but over time, if you’re allergic, your body will have reactions—for example, skin marks. But inside, it turns out that biopolymers are eating the tissue.
This substance causes infections, severe loss of tissue and muscle degeneration that does not recover.
Also, it affects the rest of your body because it expands through the blood.
It happens when the body is unable to absorb these substances.
Did you fall into the biopolymers?
If your body hasn’t shown any reaction, there is nothing to worry about without symptoms. Models often become obsessed with the subject, and the psychological damage is higher.
Always monitor your skin colour from time to time and don’t inject anything else.
The alternatives
Injecting fat from your body: is a method that gives a natural shape. You can use this method in many body areas like your buttocks.
Prosthetics: You don’t need anything else. In many cases, models come up with bad ideas given to them by some doctors or friends. This suggestion is the use of prostheses and other substances. These practices can only put their lives at risk.
Can biopolymers be removed or removed?
There are many techniques for removing biopolymers from the body.
However, the most suitable option for a patient, who has a substantial infection, is open surgery, a large opening in the form of wings, to be able to see the biopolymers.
It happens because the substances change colour and stick to the healthy tissue that is eaten by biopolymers.
It is tough to be detected. It can only be seen with endoscopy.
Any doctor who says that after doing the surgery, everything was removed, he’s wrong.
A considerable amount could be removed in the infected area, but biopolymers can have moved throughout the body without control.